Growing up in the mid-west, we would go and have our pictures taken. Now that I live in the south we go and have our pictures made. Which term is more popular? I have wondered if "having your picture...
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I've never heard "having your pictures made"...around here it's always been "taken." It certainly does sound like something that stuck from the days of portraits.
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Recently my daughter in-law hauled me off to a professional photographer to have pictures "made" or "taken". Made is far closer, they do a lot of work, something "taken" would be more like a snapshot....
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Glad you brought this up. I've long wondered why one "takes" a picture in the first place, whether candid or posed. Surely all cameras make images. If early photographers went about asking to "take"...
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Made sounds old fashioned to me.WAG: I think take in the snapshot sense is along the lines of this will only take a second.Take is an interesting word. Look at all those entries!
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In the movie "One Hour Photo" with Robin Williams, Robin's character explains that the term snap shot comes from shooting a gun. Is this true or was that another Hollywood moment?
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It's true. A "snap-shot" was a quick shot taken without time to aim carefully, as when a bird or animal suddenly leaps out of the bush and is getting away.Cited back to 1808 in the OED2.
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When I lived , for a few years, in the South, I noticed that they have their PITCHERS taken. They find the ordinary pronunciation amusing.
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